Wednesday 16 September 2009

oopsy daisy,

N you honestly are my best friend even if I don't talk to you enough. I knew you wouldn't let me down and I'm glad.

You know me so well, and I like it that you still do.

I want you in my life, always.

You make me laugh, you cheer me up just by being your stupid self.

Just like you did when we were together.

It's weird how we're pretty much the same as we were, without certain aspects of course.

It's almost creepily weird but I like it.

I don't just want you in my life, I need you.

Be my best friend forever? Keep me sane? Even if you yourself have no sanity?

I love you, and I think it was always this sorta 'best friend love' from the start.



C, what the fuck is going on?

I've noticed the looks.

I've noticed the way you find any excuse to talk to me.

Don't let it be true.

We're friends.


You, there aren't enough words in the English language to describe what you are to me.

Just the way you act around me makes me smile. The chirpy spontaneity of your little "I love you" outbursts – oh it makes me smile.

You are perfect.

We are perfect.

I hope this never ends.

Although sometimes I can't explain things, sometimes I don't want you to understand, it doesn't mean I love you any less, I hope you know that.

I'm yours forever.

I love you – don't forget that, ever.





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